How a low carb, keto diet helps your sleep routine

How a low carb, keto diet helps your sleep routine

The knock-on effects of a bad night’s sleep aren’t fun for anybody so many of us are always looking for new ways to ensure we wake feeling rest and recovered. Following a low-carb, keto lifestyle is an effective way to improve your sleep pattern and enjoy the best night’s sleep possible.

As your body first adjusts to the new diet, you may experience the opposite of the desired outcome. Your sleep may decline, and you may feel like you’re going backwards. Don’t panic; the key is to persevere with the new lifestyle change. In just a few weeks, you can enjoy falling into a deep slumber and wake up feeling refreshed.
A low-carb, keto diet helps give your body the energy boost it needs. Thanks to this, you’ll find yourself feeling more awake throughout the day which results in a deeper, undisturbed sleep at night.

By committing to the lifestyle and overcoming the initial setback, you’ll be reaping the benefits of optimal brain and body function in no time.
It’s no secret that sugar has a negative effect on our sleep. Sugar not only keeps us awake and makes falling asleep harder. It has also been proven to cause frequent wake ups throughout the night. The elimination of lots of sugary foods in the diet for those following the lifestyle also improves sleeping patterns and helps the body fall asleep quicker, and in a deeper state.

A keto, low-carb lifestyle has incredible benefits for the body, including weight loss and reducing inflammation. The diet has also been proven to help relax the nervous system and our muscles. All these benefits also contribute to achieving a good night’s sleep.

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