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Low Carb Diet: Fruits to Eat & Avoid

Welcome to our blog on the topic of low carb diets and the fruits that you can eat and avoid while following such a diet. As you will likely know - low carb diets have gained popularity in recent years, as they are believed to aid in weight loss, blood sugar control, and heart health. However, the role of fruits in low carb diets can be a bit confusing, as fruits are often associated with high sugar content. In this blog, we will delve into the world of low carb diets, the benefits of including fruits, and provide you with a guide on the best fruits to include and those to avoid. So, let's get started on this fruity low carb journey!

Understanding Low Carb and Ketogenic Diets

Before we dive into the specifics of low carb diets, it's essential to understand what they are and how they differ from other types of diets, such as ketogenic diets. Low carb diets, as the name suggests, limit the intake of carbohydrates, emphasising high-protein foods, non-starchy vegetables, and healthy fats. On the other hand, ketogenic diets take low carb diets to the extreme, with very low carb, moderate protein, and high fat intake. Both types of diets have gained attention for their potential health benefits, including weight loss and improved blood sugar control.

Defining a Low-Carb Diet

A low carb diet typically limits carbohydrate intake to 20–100 grams per day, but the exact amount may vary depending on individual needs and goals. By reducing carb intake, the body is forced to rely on fat as its primary source of fuel, leading to weight loss. Additionally, low carb diets have been shown to help control blood sugar levels, making them particularly beneficial for individuals with diabetes or insulin resistance.

When following a low carb diet, it's important to focus on whole, unprocessed foods and avoid or limit high-carb foods like bread, pasta, and sugar. Instead, prioritize lean proteins, non-starchy vegetables, healthy fats, and low carb fruits. This type of diet encourages the body to enter a metabolic state called ketosis, where ketones are produced as a byproduct of fat breakdown. Ketosis has been associated with various health benefits, including improved insulin sensitivity, reduced inflammation, and increased fat burning.

What is a Ketogenic Diet?

While low carb diets restrict carbs, ketogenic diets take it a step further by significantly lowering carb intake to induce and maintain ketosis, a metabolic state in which the body uses ketones as its primary source of energy instead of glucose. Typically, ketogenic diets involve consuming less than 50 grams of carbs per day, with fat intake making up about 70-75% of calories. This high fat intake is necessary to provide enough energy for the body to function properly during ketosis.

The ketogenic diet originated as a therapeutic diet for epilepsy, but it has gained popularity as a weight loss strategy and has been explored as a potential treatment for other conditions, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, and metabolic syndrome. While short-term studies have shown promising results, the long-term effects of ketosis on overall health are still under investigation, and it's important to consult with a registered dietitian or healthcare professional before embarking on a ketogenic diet.

Now that we have a good understanding of low carb and ketogenic diets, let's explore the role of fruits in these dietary approaches.

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Role of Fruits in Low Carb Diets

Fruits have long been recognized as a vital part of a healthy diet due to their abundance of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. However, their sugar content has raised concerns among those following low carb diets, especially for individuals with conditions like diabetes or insulin resistance. It's important to strike a balance when incorporating fruits into a low carb diet, as certain fruits can provide health benefits without spiking blood sugar levels. In the following sections, we will explore why including fruits can be beneficial and how to navigate fruit intake on a low carb diet.

Why Include Fruits?

Despite their sugar content, fruits offer a wide array of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that contribute to our overall health and well-being. They are rich sources of fiber, which aids in digestion, supports heart health, and helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Fruits also provide essential vitamins, such as vitamin C, and minerals like potassium, that play a crucial role in various bodily functions.

Incorporating fruits into a low carb diet can be a good idea for several reasons. Firstly, fruits offer a variety of health benefits, including antioxidant effects, reduced risk of chronic diseases, and improved blood glucose regulation. Secondly, they provide natural sweetness, making meals and snacks more enjoyable and satisfying. Lastly, including fruits in your diet can help maintain a positive relationship with food, as they are a wholesome, nutritious, and tasty addition to meals and snacks.

Balancing Fruit Intake on a Low Carb Diet

While fruits can offer an array of health benefits, it's important to balance their intake on a low carb diet. Monitoring your carbohydrate intake and portion sizes is crucial to ensure that you stay within your desired carb limit and maintain stable blood sugar levels.

By pairing fruits with sources of protein or healthy fats, you can further slow down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, preventing blood sugar spikes. For example, you can enjoy a handful of berries with a serving of plain yogurt or a few slices of avocado sprinkled with olive oil and sea salt.

It's also important to listen to your body and pay attention to how different fruits affect your blood sugar levels. Some individuals may have different tolerance levels for fruits, and what works for one person may not work for another. 

Best Fruits to Include in Your Low Carb Diet

Now that we understand the benefits and considerations of including fruits in a low carb diet, let's explore some of the best low carb fruits to incorporate into your meals and snacks. These fruits are low in carbohydrates, making them suitable for weight loss and blood sugar control, while still providing essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Including these fruits in your low carb diet can help add variety, flavor, and nutrition to your meals.

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Berries – Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries - your sweet saviours! 

Berries are an excellent choice for a low carb diet due to their low sugar content and high antioxidant and fiber levels. They offer a burst of flavor without significantly impacting blood sugar levels, making them a great addition to meals, snacks, or low-carb recipes. Here are some benefits of including berries in your low carb diet:

  • Rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients that support overall health.
  • High in fiber, which aids digestion, promotes feelings of fullness, and supports heart health.
  • Low glycemic index, meaning they have a minimal impact on blood sugar levels.
  • Versatile, as they can be enjoyed fresh, frozen, or incorporated into various recipes.
  • Great sources of vitamins C, K, and E, as well as manganese and folate.


Avocados are a nutritional powerhouse, packed with healthy fats, fiber, potassium, and various vitamins. Despite their creamy texture and delicious taste, avocados are low in carbs, making them an excellent choice for low carb diets, including ketogenic diets. Here's why you should consider including avocados in your low carb diet:

  • High in monounsaturated fats, which have been linked to heart health and reduced inflammation.
  • Provide a good amount of fiber, promoting digestive health and helping maintain healthy cholesterol levels.
  • Loaded with potassium, a mineral essential for healthy blood pressure levels.
  • Low carb content, with about 9 grams of carbs per 100 grams of avocado.
  • Versatile, as they can be enjoyed as a standalone snack, used as a topping or ingredient in various dishes, or blended into creamy dips and dressings.


Olives, specifically olive oil derived from them, have long been associated with heart health due to their high content of monounsaturated fats, particularly oleic acid. While olives themselves are low in carbs, they offer an abundance of heart-healthy fats, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds. Here are some reasons to include olives in your low carb diet:

  • Provide healthy fats, which have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and promote overall health.
  • Contain compounds, such as oleuropein, with potential antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and blood pressure-lowering effects.
  • Low carb content, typically containing less than 4 grams of carbs per 100 grams of olives.
  • Versatile, as they can be enjoyed as snacks, added to salads, or used as a flavor-enhancing ingredient in various dishes.
  • Offer different varieties, such as green, black, and kalamata, each with its own unique taste and characteristics.

Other Low Carb Fruits

Apart from berries, avocados, and olives, there are other low carb fruits that you can include in your low carb meal plan. These fruits provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber while keeping your carb intake in check. Let's explore some of these low carb fruit options and how they can fit into a low carb meal plan.


Melons, such as cantaloupe, honeydew, and watermelon, are great low carb fruit options, offering a refreshing and hydrating addition to your diet. Here's why melons are a good choice for low carb meals:

  • High water content, which aids in hydration and contributes to feelings of satiety.
  • Low in calories, making them an excellent option for weight loss.
  • Relatively low carb content compared to other fruits, with about 6 grams of carbs per 100 grams of cantaloupe, 9 grams of carbs per 100 grams of honeydew, and 7 grams of carbs per 100 grams of watermelon.
  • Versatile, as they can be enjoyed on their own, added to salads, or used as a base for refreshing smoothies or sorbets.


Peaches are not only juicy and delicious but also a great low carb fruit option. Here's why you should consider incorporating peaches into your low carb meal plan:

  • Contain only 10 grams of carbs per 100g, making them relatively low in carbs.
  • A good source of vitamins A and C, as well as potassium and fibre.
  • Provide natural sweetness to meals or snacks without significantly impacting blood sugar levels.
  • Look for peaches that are firm but not too hard, with a slight give when gently squeezed.
  • Enjoy peaches as a standalone snack, incorporate them into salads, or add them to low carb recipes like smoothies.


Kiwis, with their vibrant green color and tangy taste, are another low carb fruit that can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. Here's what makes kiwis a good low carb choice:

  • Low in carbs, with about 9 grams of carbs per 100 grams of kiwi.
  • Rich in vitamin C, providing more than the daily recommended intake in just a single fruit.
  • High in fiber, which aids digestion, promotes feelings of fullness, and supports heart health.
  • Enjoy kiwis as a standalone snack, add them to salads, or incorporate them into low carb recipes like smoothies or your Heylo Breakfast granola.

Fruits to Avoid on a Low Carb Diet

While there are plenty of low carb fruits that can be enjoyed as part of a low carb diet, some fruits are high in carbs and not suitable for individuals following strict low carb or ketogenic diets. Let's take a look at a few fruits that are best avoided on a low carb diet:


Bananas are delicious and nutritious, but they are also high in carbs, making them not ideal for low carb diets. Here's why bananas are best avoided on a low carb diet:

  • High in carbs, with about 27 grams of carbs per medium-sized banana.
  • Contain natural sugars, including glucose, fructose, and sucrose, which can spike blood sugar levels.
  • While they offer essential nutrients like potassium and vitamin C, they can be too high in carbs for those following low carb or ketogenic diets.
  • If you're craving a banana, consider opting for a smaller, less ripe one, as they generally have fewer carbs and lower sugar content.


An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but if you're following a low carb diet, it's best to limit your apple intake. Here's why apples are not the best choice for low carb diets:

  • A medium-sized apple can contain around 25 grams of carbs, with most of the carbs coming from naturally occurring sugars.
  • The natural sugar in apples can cause a rise in blood sugar levels, making them less suitable for low carb or ketogenic diets.
  • It's worth noting that carb intake varies among different apple varieties, with some being sweeter and higher in carbs than others.
  • If you choose to include apples in your low carb diet, opt for smaller portions and pair them with protein or healthy fats to slow down sugar absorption.


Grapes, while sweet and juicy, are high in sugar and carbs, making them a fruit to avoid on a low carb diet. Here's why you should be cautious when consuming grapes:

  • Grapes are high in sugar, primarily in the form of fructose, which can raise blood glucose levels.
  • A cup of grapes typically contains around 27 grams of carbs, most of which come from sugar.
  • The high sugar content and carb load make grapes less suitable for those aiming to limit their carb intake or follow ketogenic diets.
  • If you're craving the taste of grapes, consider enjoying a few as a treat or opt for low sugar alternatives, such as berries, that provide similar benefits with fewer carbs.

Low Carb Fruit Recipes and Snack Ideas

Incorporating low carb fruits into your diet doesn't have to be boring or repetitive. There are countless recipes and snack ideas that can take your low carb meals to the next level - some of which are featured on the Heylo recipe page.

And if you are looking for more low-carb, high fibre and high protein food to keep your diet on track - head to our shop today to pick up low carb bread, granola and more. 

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