Lowest carb bread

The Lowest Carb Bread on the UK Market

The Lowest Carb Bread available: Just 0.3g of Carbs per slice! No wonder it's our bestseller...

Heylo's Artisan Seeded wins on lowest carb, but also on taste, smell and texture too.

It's truly a keto dieter’s dream! For the bare minimum of carbohydrates, you can enjoy a delicious, soft-textured seeded artisan loaf that will satisfy your appetite and delight your taste buds. Our beautiful low carb loaf is made for toasting to bring out its incredible, nutty, wholemeal flavour, but is just as good as a sandwich bread straight out of the pack.

Let's get into things by showing you some customer feedback

'So tasty!' Cath, Facebook Community member

'Beautifully seeded and slightly dense Heylo Artisan Seeded makes the perfect base for a morning’s breakfast!!' Michelle, Facebook Community member

'They are so filling - especially love the artisan seeded version. The carbs are amazing in comparison to std breadJanet, Facebook Community member

You don't have to take our word for for those quotes above - head to our Facebook Community group where we regularly see such wonderful feedback!

No time for that? Well check out our reviews.io score for this product - or head over there and read the amazing comments...

low carb bread UK reviews

The best low carb bread? What makes it so good?

While numerous companies create low-carb products, very few match the eating  qualities of their full-carb, full-sugar counterparts. To give health-conscious consumers the best chance of maintaining their lifestyle choices (whether it's for general health, weight loss, diabetes, bloating, energy levels and all other aspects of health improvement derived from following a low carb diet), we believe it is super important that we create products that don’t feel like a compromise to the end user.

The key is our teams years of experience and knowledge of both baking and developing recipes using low carb and low-sugar ingredients to create products. 

We don't make bread 'replacements'. We make bread... that just happens to be low carb. 

Low carb bread ingredients

Why is your low carb / keto bread more expensive?

The simple answer is because it costs so much more to manufacture. From ingredients, to baking methods, to not being able to produce at scale in the same way as regular bread is, our prices reflect where we are right now in terms of the lowest price we can offer! We’ve gone into detail on this issue here.

The nutritional benefits of our low-carb wholemeal bread

It's occasionally pointed out that our low carb slices are a little smaller in 'size' than regular bread slices. But, they weigh much the same and, more importantly come well-packed with protein and fibre, which will satisfy your appetite and keep you fuller for longer than any regular slice! 

So it's not just what we've taken out (the carbs)... it's that we've added ingredients that boost and enrich our bread's nutritional composition, giving you a healthier, more wholesome slice.

Visit our shop by clicking here or on the image below

low carb bread shop uk



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